Светлое пиво

Светлое пиво делается из светлого солода. Зерно проращивается около недели и сушится не больше суток при температуре не выше 85 градусов.

Palm NA (0.0), безалкогольное 0,25 л
Palm NA (0.0), безалкогольное 0,25 л

180 руб.

Palm 0,33 л
Palm Amber Beer 0,33 л

225 руб.

AF Brew, Sour Diesel Therapy 0,33 л
AF Brew, Sour Diesel Therapy 0,33 л

225 руб.

AF BREW, Winter Melancholy, 0,33 л
AF BREW, Zero-Zero Takeoff, безалкогольное...

230 руб.

AF Brew, ABV not IBU: Amarillo Double IPA 0,33 л
AF Brew, ABV not IBU: Amarillo Double IPA ...

235 руб.

AF Brew, ABV not IBU: Motueka Double IPA 0,33 л
AF Brew, ABV not IBU: Motueka Double IPA 0...

235 руб.

Palm Amber Beer 0,5 л Ж/Б
Palm Amber Beer 0,5 л Ж/Б

240 руб.

AF Brew, RedRum Special Edition, Imperial IPA 0,33 л
AF Brew, RedRum Special Edition, Imperial ...

250 руб.

AF Brew, It's Over 9000! 3.0, 0,33 л
AF Brew, It's Over 9000! 3.0, 0,33 л

260 руб.

AF Brew, It's Over 9000! 0,33 л
AF Brew, It's Over 9000! 0,33 л

260 руб.

AF Brew, Old Sparky Triple IPA 0,33 л
AF Brew, Old Sparky Triple IPA 0,33 л

268 руб.

Cornet OAK Aged 0,33 л
Cornet OAK Aged 0,33 л

275 руб.

AF Brew, Big Black Mash, Imperial Stout 0,33 л
AF Brew, Big Black Mash, Imperial Stout 0,...

275 руб.

AF Brew, Eat The Dust, DDH Mosaic, Double NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Fat Nelson, Imperial IPA 0,33 л ЖБ

275 руб.

AF Brew, Autumn Fever Dreams: November 0,33 л
AF Brew, Autumn Fever Dreams: November 0,33 л

289 руб.

AF Brew, Mosaic, American IPA 0,5 л
AF Brew, Mosaic, American IPA 0,5 л

297 руб.

AF Brew, Highs & Lows IPA 0,5 л
AF Brew, Highs & Lows IPA 0,5 л

297 руб.

AF Brew w/ FFF Brew, FFFiga Tonka! 0,33 л
AF Brew w/ FFF Brew, FFFiga Tonka! 0,33 л

299 руб.

Paulaner, Original Munchner Hell, 0,5 л Ж/Б
Paulaner, Original Munchner Hell, 0,5 л

300 руб.

AF Brew, Quad Hopper, Imperial NEIPA 0,33 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Quad Hopper, Imperial NEIPA 0,33 ...

310 руб.

AF Brew, Murder IPA Birthday Edition 0,33 л
AF Brew, Murder IPA Birthday Edition 0,33 л

315 руб.

AF Brew, Breeder Reactor, DDH NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Breeder Reactor, DDH NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ

327 руб.

AF Brew, Kveik Me Up When September Ends, 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Kveik Me Up When September Ends, ...

335 руб.

AF Brew w/ Big Village, The Hops of Wrath 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew w/ Big Village, The Hops of Wrath ...

345 руб.

AF Brew w/ North Brewing, RSSCRTC 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew w/ North Brewing, RSSCRTC 0,5 л ЖБ

357 руб.

AF Brew, 99 Luftballons 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, 99 Luftballons, Double IPA 0,5 л ЖБ

360 руб.

AF Brew, RedRum Special Edition, Imperial IPA 0,33 л
AF Brew, Running Talus, DDH IPA 0,5 л ЖБ

365 руб.

AF Brew, S.M.S.C, New England IPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, S.M.S.C, New England IPA 0,5 л ЖБ

365 руб.

AF Brew, Eat The Dust, DDH Citra, Double NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Eat The Dust, DDH Citra, Double N...

380 руб.

AF Brew, Eat The Dust, DDH Mosaic, Double NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Eat The Dust, DDH Mosaic, Double ...

380 руб.

AF Brew, Oodles of Labradoodles, DDH NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Oodles of Labradoodles, DDH NEIPA...

380 руб.

AF Brew, This Is Houston. Say Again, Please. 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, This Is Houston. Say Again, Pleas...

380 руб.

AF Brew, F*ck The Dust, DDH MOSAIC, Triple NEIPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, F*ck The Dust, DDH MOSAIC, Triple...

405 руб.

Van Steenberge Fourchette 0,33 л
Van Steenberge Fourchette 0,33 л

420 руб.

AF Brew, Kiss The Dust, DDH Citra + Simcoe, Sour Double IPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Kiss The Dust, DDH Citra + Simcoe...

426 руб.

AF Brew, Kiss The Dust, DDH Mosaic + Citra, Sour Double IPA 0,5 л ЖБ
AF Brew, Kiss The Dust, DDH Mosaic + Citra...

430 руб.

Palm 0,75 л
Palm Amber Beer 0,75 л

650 руб.

Palm Royal 0,75 л
Palm Royal 0,75 л

750 руб.

Van Steenberge Fourchette 0,75 л
Van Steenberge Fourchette 0,75 л

1399 руб.
