Database error: Server shutdown in progress (1053)
Invalid query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS products.*, descr1.product as product, MIN(IF(prices.percentage_discount = 0, prices.price, prices.price - (prices.price * prices.percentage_discount)/100)) as price, descr1.short_description, IF(descr1.short_description = '', descr1.full_description, '') as full_description, as company_name, GROUP_CONCAT(IF(products_categories.link_type = 'M', CONCAT(products_categories.category_id, 'M'), products_categories.category_id)) as category_ids, products_categories.position, as seo_name FROM cscart_products as products LEFT JOIN cscart_product_features_values ON cscart_product_features_values.product_id = products.product_id AND cscart_product_features_values.lang_code = 'RU' LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, GROUP_CONCAT(cscart_product_features_values.variant_id) AS advanced_variants FROM cscart_product_features_values WHERE lang_code = 'RU' GROUP BY product_id) AS pfv_advanced ON pfv_advanced.product_id = products.product_id LEFT JOIN cscart_product_descriptions as descr1 ON descr1.product_id = products.product_id AND descr1.lang_code = 'RU' LEFT JOIN cscart_product_prices as prices ON prices.product_id = products.product_id AND prices.lower_limit = 1 LEFT JOIN cscart_companies AS companies ON companies.company_id = products.company_id INNER JOIN cscart_products_categories as products_categories ON products_categories.product_id = products.product_id INNER JOIN cscart_categories ON cscart_categories.category_id = products_categories.category_id AND (cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids)) AND cscart_categories.status IN ('A', 'H') LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = products.product_id AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'p' AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'RU' WHERE 1 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('1904', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('1920', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('1952', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('1992', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('2019', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('2042', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('2068', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('2127', advanced_variants) OR FIND_IN_SET('2238', advanced_variants)) AND cscart_categories.category_id IN (299, 419, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 606, 627, 628, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 491, 492, 499, 505, 511, 512, 515, 527, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 573, 577, 580, 581, 599, 630, 631, 533, 536, 537, 557, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 583, 584, 604, 605, 608, 610, 624, 569, 570, 571, 572, 578, 579, 582, 574, 575, 576, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 598, 612, 613, 585, 592, 455, 593, 594, 595, 615, 616, 619, 596, 629, 600, 601, 602, 603, 614, 625, 626, 607, 609, 623, 611, 617, 618, 621, 622, 634) AND (companies.status = 'A' OR products.company_id = 0) AND (products.usergroup_ids = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(0, products.usergroup_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, products.usergroup_ids)) AND products.status IN ('A') AND prices.usergroup_id IN (0, 0, 1) GROUP BY products.product_id ORDER BY price asc LIMIT 0, 66
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/core/fn.database.php |
Line: | 267 |
Function: | db_error |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/core/fn.database.php |
Line: | 29 |
Function: | db_query |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/core/fn.catalog.php |
Line: | 6499 |
Function: | db_get_array |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/controllers/customer/categories.php |
Line: | 78 |
Function: | fn_get_products |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/core/fn.control.php |
Line: | 642 |
Function: | include |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/core/fn.control.php |
Line: | 458 |
Function: | fn_run_controller |
File: | /var/www/html/extrabeers/index.php |
Line: | 29 |
Function: | fn_dispatch |